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Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

In October, the squid went offshore and we could not catch them easily.
However, fish such as sea bream will eat a lot of food in preparation for winter.
Red sea bream is not particularly big, but it is delicious with fat on it.
Therefore, I made a lure called Thai rubber to catch red sea bream.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

The photo is a commercially available tie rubber. It costs about 1,100 yen for a set including a 100g tie rubber head (weight), a fishing hook, and a skirt.
I bought everything so far, but I heard from an acquaintance that it is fun to make it myself.
So I decided to make it.
First, make it from the tie rubber head. I made a 60g 80g tie rubber head before.
So this time I made 120g and 150g tie rubber heads.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

I bought lead balls because I can't shape them.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

Drill a 3mm hole and run the plastic pipe through to protect the fishing line.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

Apply gesso for better color and let them dry.
This time, I used water-based acrylic paint instead of oil-based paint.
After the paint was dry, I cut out circles from the hologram sheet and pasted them on both sides.
Finally, it was coated with cellulose cement twice. This painting process is the same as the handmade lure I made before.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

I made a hook to match my necktie and octopus bait.
The needle was tied with a knot and reinforced with a shrink pipe.
I made a 3-needle system.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

The next step is attaching hooks, ties, and skirts.
There are various types of ties, skirts, and mounting jigs on the market, but if you buy the head weight and hook as a set, it costs about 1,500 yen.
If I buy several sets of them, it will be a considerable amount of money.
I have time but no money to spend on fun.ガーン
A man of great brains had published his know-how.
It was an amazing idea because of the simple and inexpensive way.
I purchased some silicone sheets and cut them to my liking.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

The rubber sheet is punched out to a diameter of 7 mm.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

I pass the hook line through the rubber sheet, pass the necktie or skirt through the gap between the two lines, and close the rubber sheet.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

I have made many hooksets cheaply in this way.
The storage of these hook sets is easy for the hooks to get tangled.
I found another storage idea on Youtube.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

It is the use of tapioca straws.
Luckily my hookset fit in the straw.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

I got a lot of very cheap tie rubber sets from lots of ideas.
Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

Making Tai-Rubber system by myself

Next is fishing.魚赤魚青
When can I use these for fishing?
I would like to use these jigs that I made over time.
I hope that this blog will be able to report good fishing results.クラッカーアップ

趣味での創意工夫って楽しいね。その3 (SLJ小物)
 マイカ釣りの夏が来た。 (2023-07-21 08:48)
 パラソルサイズを求めて (2023-06-15 19:38)
 またまた名人に遭遇!! (2023-05-13 22:39)
 胴付きか?メタルか? (2023-04-25 16:58)
 趣味での創意工夫って楽しいね。その3 (SLJ小物) (2023-02-03 16:59)
 趣味での創意工夫って楽しいね。その2(釣り小物造り) (2023-01-28 08:43)

Posted by nemunemusei at 2022年10月31日 06:30
Posted by bumibumi at 2022年10月31日 12:48
Posted by ヨシキヨシキ at 2022年10月31日 19:38
Posted by ヨシキヨシキ at 2022年10月31日 19:57

Making Tai-Rubber system by myself